A note about The Cuddlywumps Chronicles

This blog is written and maintained by Miss Cuddlywumps, a fluffy-tailed calico cat who is both classically educated and familiar with mysteries. She receives creative input from the Real Cats and clerical assistance from She of Little Talent (old SoLT, a.k.a. Roby Sweet). Comments or complaints should be addressed to Miss C rather than to old SoLt (Ms. Sweet). Ms. Sweet accepts no responsibility for Miss C's opinions.

Friday, October 27, 2017

October Bloopers, Plus Friendly Fill-Ins

We have two fun Friday features for you today. Real Cat Webster is taking a break (i.e., he and old SoLT could not think of a good word for Words with Webster this week!), so we decided to share some recent bloopers that we think you will enjoy. Then it's on to Friendly Fill-Ins.


First up is Real Cat Webster, who really likes to help old SoLT visit our blogging friends by, you know, sitting on the laptop. Old SoLT was trying to get a Sunday Selfie of him, but this was the best she could do. Can you tell whose blog they were visiting?

Real Cat Webster sitting on laptop

It's hard to get pictures of Real Cat Paisley because she WILL NOT HOLD STILL. She'll be sitting there all pretty and perfect, and then, just as old SoLT pushes the magic button, Paisley turns her head:

Real Cat Paisley with blurry head

The same thing happened here, but perhaps not as badly: 

And finally, I am excited to share what is probably old SoLT's worst video ever. She thought she was getting cute video of Paisley playing. Unfortunately, she got her buttons mixed up, so she recorded the boring parts and stopped recording for the cute parts. We think you'll get a kick out of this "footage" anyway:

Friendly Fill-Ins

Friendly Fill-Ins
And now it’s time for Friendly Fill-Ins, from 15andmeowing and McGuffy’s Reader. They are a fun way to learn a little bit about the authors of the blogs you read. The first two questions, answered by Real Cat Paisley this week, are from Ellen of 15andmeowing, and the next two, answered by old SoLT, are from Annie of McGuffy’s Reader.

Real Cat Paisley’s answers:
1. I would like to interview Jackson Galaxy, because he is so cool and kind and he loves cats.

2. I would like to be interviewed by Miss Cuddlywumps, because no one asks more insightful questions. Also, she said she'd scratch me if I didn't say that.

Old SoLT’s answers:
3. Halloween night, I usually pass out the candy, and I love seeing the little kids in their costumes.

4. Once Halloween is over, time seems to move even faster than before, so Thanksgiving/Christmas/New Year's are here in the blink of an eye!


  1. Great bloopers and video of old SALT's feet :) I think you were visiting Marvelous Marv. Thank you for participating in the fill-ins, great answers. I think Jackson Galaxy would be fun to interview. And Miss Cuddlywumps would be a good interviewer. Have a nice weekend! XO

    1. I know, great foot shots! I really should share some of my thumb photos.

  2. Well sometimes those "cat bloopers" make for fun photos. Enjoyed the video.

  3. Come on, Paisley! Let us see those gorgeous tortie furs!! There's nothing more exquisite than a tortie!!! ~Bear Cat
    The look on your face at the beginning of the video tells us exactly what you're thinking Miss P.

  4. haha...blooers are fun. I can act like myself instead of some kitty on anti-depressants. hehe


  5. I am trying to learn to video events, both cat and musician husband. You look like a pro to me! *wink*
    You are so right about time moving fast. Wow. Hugs.

  6. That video is too funny! Blurry tortie syndrome...we know it well! And Paisley is just typing a comment with his bottom ;)

  7. Perfection is boring! A blurry photo now and then adds spice to life!
    And my life is pretty darn spicy, because I've got thousands of rotten photos!

  8. THe video is priceless! As is that you were visiting ME!!! And ALMOST ALL of the pictures Mommy gets of me are totally blurry too!
    Great answers too. I would like to interview Cuddlywumps and I would LOVE to have her interview ME!!!

  9. Love the bloopers! We have some similar blooper videos too...can't tell you how many times I actually forget to hit the button and I'm not recording at all too! LOL
