A note about The Cuddlywumps Chronicles

This blog is written and maintained by Miss Cuddlywumps, a fluffy-tailed calico cat who is both classically educated and familiar with mysteries. She receives creative input from the Real Cats and clerical assistance from She of Little Talent (old SoLT, a.k.a. Roby Sweet). Comments or complaints should be addressed to Miss C rather than to old SoLt (Ms. Sweet). Ms. Sweet accepts no responsibility for Miss C's opinions.

Friday, March 30, 2018

March Bloopers, Plus Friendly Fill-Ins

We have two fun Friday features for you today. First up is our small collection (a pair, really) of March bloopers. After that, it’s on to Friendly Fill-Ins!


This is kind of hard to believe, but old SoLT only has two bloopers to share this month. Oddly, she did not manage to take any accidental pictures of her feet or the ceiling or a spot on the rug. No one is more shocked than I am. Anyway, the two bloopers both feature Real Cat Webster—sorry, no blurry tortie shots!

Old SoLT had this great idea to get a picture of Webster being fascinated by a fidget spinner. Turned out it was too hard to hold a cat and a phone and a fidget spinner, make the spinner spin, and then take a picture. Also, Webster didn't actually care about the spinner!

March blooper: Webster and the fidget spinner

Then she thought it would be cute to get a picture of Webs taking his evening bath. But it was impossible to get a shot that was not blurry.

March blooper: Webster washing his ear

Bloopers blog hop, anyone?

We have been thinking of starting a monthly bloopers blog hop, and we’d like to know how many of you would play along at least some of the time. We are thinking that the hop would happen on the final Friday of every month. It would be a fun way to share your “not ready for prime time” pet photos. There are quite a few hops going on already, and we sort of worry that one more might be one too many, but if you think you’d like to play by sharing some bad photos, please let us know in the comments!

Friendly Fill-Ins

Friendly Fill-Ins blog hop
And now it’s time for Friendly Fill-Ins, from 15andmeowing and McGuffy’s Reader. They are a fun way to learn a little bit about the authors of the blogs you read. The first two questions, answered by Real Cat Paisley this week, are from Ellen of 15andmeowing, and the next two, answered by Old SoLT, are from Annie of McGuffy’s Reader.

Real Cat Paisley’s answers:
1. For Easter (or Passover), I wish I had a pretty bonnet with little flowers on it—NOT! I would not appreciate that, although I might enjoy chewing on the flowers.

2. My favorite Easter (or Passover) treat is … well, we haven’t really been getting treats lately—not since Webster started having tummy trouble—so I guess we won’t get any for Easter either. Mommy has been eating jelly beans since Valentine’s Day, so that’s probably her favorite. She likes Peeps too, but she keeps forgetting to buy them.

Old SoLT’s answers:
3. Lately, the song “Broken Halos” by Chris Stapleton is stuck in my head. The local country station seems to play it almost every day while I’m driving to the post office. That’s okay, because I love his music.

4. The A-Z Blogging Challenge is something I have never done. I’m not sure how I would do it and fit it into my regular blogging schedule (and by “regular” I mean my near-daily “OMC, I need a post for tomorrow!” freak-out).


  1. I like the Blooper idea, since I've got a million-and-one bad shots!

  2. Thank you for sharing. You did the best you can do with the photo you took with your hands full. Have a great day and a Happy Easter.
    World of Animals

  3. We would take part in the bloopers at least some of the time. We have lots of them where one eye of mine is showing and no ears. She takes so long I get up and leave.

    We tried to listen to Broken Halos but couldn't as the video was not permitted in Canada. I'll bet it's a beautiful song.



  4. I love the idea of a blooper hop. I always have lots of bloopers. Thank you both for participating in the fill-ins, great answers. I think Paisley would look adorable in a bonnet- I can crochet one :)
    Thanks for this video, I always liked this song, but didn't know who sang it. I hope you have a wonderful Easter! XO

  5. We would join a bloopers blog hop some times too! I think some others we join on Fridays are early in the month, so the last Friday is a good choice.
    I LOVE that Broken Halos song too!
    I can't imagine joining that A-Z challenge either. It's all I can do to keep up with my partial week schedule. Anyone who posts daily or close to daily amazes me!

  6. We always have bloopers! That is a beautiful song. And I have a short video of Mudpie playing with a fidget spinner. She took to it right away. I should post it!

  7. A bloopers blog hop would be excellent! We are always moving and blurring mom's pictures!

    From the gang at Angelic Clowder
