We have two fun Friday features for you today. First up is
Real Cat Webster, who has a scientific word
to share. After that, it’s on to Friendly Fill-Ins!
Words with Webster

Hi, everybody! It’s me, Real Cat Webster. Welcome to Words
with Me. Today’s word is “thermoneutral zone.” I know, technically that’s two
words, but just go with it, okay? It’s also called TNZ for short, so let’s just
call it that from now on. If you’re curious like I am (you’ve heard of
curiosity and the cat?), you are probably wondering what TNZ is. Well, I
found out from part of a
scientific paper that it’s “the range of ambient temperatures without regulatory changes in metabolic heat production or evaporative heat loss.”
Whatever that means, right?
In plain English, the TNZ—and I’m speaking strictly in
relation to cats, because that’s all that really matters—is a range of
temperatures where a cat doesn’t have to use any energy to get cooler or
warmer. In other words, it’s when the temperature is absolutely purrfect. For
cats, this Zone of Purrfection is between 85 and 100 degrees Fahrenheit (or 86
to 97 degrees, according to some sources). In the past couple of years, you may have come across this tidbit
in various stories about why cats love boxes. One possible explanation is that a
box holds in some body heat and helps the cat maintain that Zone of Purrfection.
Purrsonally, I don’t care much for boxes, so I can’t say whether this is true
or not.
I looked into the history of “thermoneutral” in the Oxford English Dictionary and found out
it goes back to the 1960s. The quotes are all scientific and stuff, like this
one from Respiration Physiology:
The thermoneutral skin temperature zone for fasting adult
sheep has been found to be 33–35°C as determined by immersion in a water bath.
(I.30, 1966)
That just makes me wonder what they did to the poor sheep,
because I’m guessing that sheep did not ask to go on a fast or be immersed in a water bath.
Anyway, “thermoneutral” is from the Greek θερμός (thermos, meaning “hot”) and the
French/Latin neutral/neutralis (meaning “not taking part in
war; not taking sides” and “neither masculine nor feminine; not belonging to
either side,” respectively).
As long as I was in the OED, I looked up “zone,” and then I
got kind of confused because there are a whole bunch of definitions. The one that
best fits our needs is “a definite region or area … distinguished from adjacent
regions by some special quality or condition (indicated by a defining word or
phrase).” The quotes for this meaning were all boring scientific things, so I
picked this one from ca. 1500 that’s about zones of the earth:
For thre zones shal he fynde Where no man may lyue in one
kynde One is hote and colde are two. (Hist.
K. Boccus & Sydracke)
“Zone” is from the Latin zona,
from the Greek ζώνη, meaning “girdle.”
So, the TNZ for cats might also be called the Girdle of Purrfection, which I think is a much better name thermo-whatever.
And now, after all that scientific stuff, please enjoy this
picture of a cat in a box, enjoying his or her Girdle or Zone of Purrfection:
Friendly Fill-Ins

And now it’s time for Friendly
Fill-Ins, from
15andmeowing and
McGuffy’s Reader. They are a fun way to learn a little bit about the authors of
the blogs you read. The first two questions, answered by Real Cat Paisley this
week, are from Ellen of 15andmeowing, and the next two, answered by old SoLT,
are from Annie of McGuffy’s Reader.
Real Cat Paisley’s
1. The best part of where I live is the sunroom with my
cat tree and lots of windows.
2. The worst part of where I live is there’s a dog here.
Old SoLT’s answers:
3. If I had a lot of money, I would create a sanctuary where
homeless senior cats could live out their days comfortably, with good food,
veterinary care, and of course lots of love.
4. My favourite article of cold weather clothing is my flannel-lined
jeans. They are awesome when walking the dog on a cold day!