A note about The Cuddlywumps Chronicles

This blog is written and maintained by Miss Cuddlywumps, a fluffy-tailed calico cat who is both classically educated and familiar with mysteries. She receives creative input from the Real Cats and clerical assistance from She of Little Talent (old SoLT, a.k.a. Roby Sweet). Comments or complaints should be addressed to Miss C rather than to old SoLt (Ms. Sweet). Ms. Sweet accepts no responsibility for Miss C's opinions.

Friday, November 24, 2017

Thanksgiving Bloopers

This Thanksgiving Day was a memorable one in old SoLT's house. What started out as a quiet day took a little turn when this happened:

Yep, Real Cat Webster left his paw prints in the pumpkin pie, just like the stars do in Hollywood (only they use cement, I think).

Then, old SoLT was chopping potatoes, and she cut herself just a little bit (don't take your eyes off the blade, old SoLT!), and then she almost fainted. Now, old SoLT has survived cancer and had a lung transplant, so she's no stranger to having blood draws and various invasive procedures, but one little cut on the finger and, Wham! down she goes.

She was fine after a few minutes' recovery. Her mom's recovery took a little longer.

Then, everyone was relaxing after a fine, filling meal, when old SoLT happened to look into the dining room, only to see Real Cat Paisley standing on the table, licking the turkey.

Sadly, we don't have a picture of that, because it was hilarious.

We hope your Thanksgiving was just as memorable as ours!

Friendly Fill-Ins

Friendly Fill-Ins
And now it’s time for Friendly Fill-Ins, from 15andmeowing and McGuffy’s Reader. They are a fun way to learn a little bit about the authors of the blogs you read. The first two questions, answered by old SoLT this week, are from Ellen of 15andmeowing, and the next two, answered by Real Cat Paisley, are from Annie of McGuffy’s Reader.

Old SoLT’s answers:
1. I start to decorate for Christmas/Hanukkah as soon after Thanksgiving as I can get to it. Some years, it’s actually pretty close to Christmas before the tree goes up.

2. I prefer a real Christmas tree because I always enjoyed the whole process of trekking out to find a great tree, and I liked that each year’s tree would be a little different. We have an artificial tree now, and that’s a lot easier and more convenient, but I do miss a real tree.

Real Cat Paisley’s answers:
3. The best thing about the holidays is napping under the Christmas tree.

4. The worst thing about the holidays is one day, the people come along and take my tree away. Not fair!


  1. Oh, Webster. You are funny. Maggie has sat on pies before. She sits on everything, anything. Having been a champion show cat, I guess she feels like it is her right. Great answers. I especially liked Paisley's. HUGS!

  2. Nothing warms feet like warm pumpkin pie.

  3. That has to be THE FUNNIEST Thanksgiving photo I have EVER seen! LOVE IT! Bet it tasted better too hehehe catchatwithcarenandcody

  4. Wow ! What a day ! I had no idea your Mom had gone through so much medically ! Glad she is all right now - including after the bloodletting.

  5. Ahh .... Holidays with cats are never boring. Sounds like your meal got the seal of approval ;)

  6. The pie incident is funny. Such cute paw prints. Sorry old Salt got cut though. Thank you for these great fill-in answers. My kitties like to nap under the tree too :) Have a nice weekend! XO

  7. That picture of the pie is simply priceless, but you sure had a Thanksgiving to remember! I don't handle blood well (at all) but I'm usually okay if it's my own LOL!

  8. MOL - I would do dat too, if da pies weren't covered up!

  9. Hee! Hee! You reminded Mommy of something my human brother did when he was little. Mommy and his daddy were taking him and 2 pies to Grandma's house for dinner.
    Mommy put the pies on the back seat and went to open the trunk to put the pies in, my human brother climbed into the car and put one foot into each pie! (He said, "Look Mommy, I have shoe pies!!!")
    Mommy was more than a little choked!
    Love your answers and love real cat Paisley!
