A note about The Cuddlywumps Chronicles

This blog is written and maintained by Miss Cuddlywumps, a fluffy-tailed calico cat who is both classically educated and familiar with mysteries. She receives creative input from the Real Cats and clerical assistance from She of Little Talent (old SoLT, a.k.a. Roby Sweet). Comments or complaints should be addressed to Miss C rather than to old SoLt (Ms. Sweet). Ms. Sweet accepts no responsibility for Miss C's opinions.

Monday, August 28, 2017

Remembering Miss Darya

Today is Rainbow Bridge Remembrance Day, and we are taking a quiet moment to remember old SoLT's companion of 18 years, the spunky, feisty tabby cat named Miss Darya.

Remembering Miss Darya on Rainbow Bridge Remembrance Day

Darya was adopted from a shelter. With old SoLT, she had quite the adventurous life. She enjoyed catching crickets at night and letting them loose in the bed, and once she caught a mouse and let it loose in the bed. (Old SoLT adds: If you want to wake up in a hurry, just have a mouse run over you while you're sleeping. Way more effective than coffee!) She had a complicated way of getting on the roof of the empty neighboring house (jump on top of a box, jump onto an old door, walk across it, climb into a hole in the ceiling, walk a short way, climb out of another hole onto the roof). She and old SoLT enjoyed napping on the sofa together on Sunday afternoons. Old SoLT was not allowed to fold warm laundry until after Darya was finished napping on it. She hated going to the vet, and when they took her in the back for blood work, she would scream like they were killing her (she had a flair for the dramatic).

Miss Darya was outspoken, in your face, and had an opinion on everything. She would have loved blogging!

She was also a pretty terrific companion, and we honor her today.

We thank Deb Barnes of Zee and Zoey’s Cat Chronicles, author of Purr Prints of the Heart and founder of Rainbow Bridge Remembrance Day, for creating this special day to remember our beloved companions.


  1. Miss Darya was a beautiful kitty, thank you for sharing these memories of her. XO

  2. Oh my! We love the spunk and spirit of Miss Darya! What a kitty she was! Purrs from Deb, the Zee/Zoey gang, and Purr Prints of the Heart.

  3. Angel Darya sounds like she was one heck of a cat!

  4. Such a lovely lady, and as a lady should be, particular and punctual and wanting things how she likes.... such wonderful memories, even of mice...
    Gentle purrrs

  5. Darya was beautiful. And it sounds like she was spunky, too.

  6. thank you so much for sharing about Miss Darya, what a beautiful girl she was, you were with her as long as I was with my Angel Bobo. I know how hard it is. I LOVE that she "had a flair for the dramatic" (((hugs))) and love as you remember catchatwithcarenandcody

  7. What a cutie! Sending love to all of you today as you remember Miss Darya.

  8. So wonderful to meet Miss Darya. We never forget, no matter how much time goes by.

  9. Miss Darya sounds like a pawesome cat. Scylla too has a flair for the dramatic, we smiled when we read about her screaming at the vet, Scylla does that too.

  10. What a beautiful girl Darya is. And her personality sounds every bit as beautiful as she is on the outside. It's truly unfair that we have them for so little time ... though they impact us for a lifetime.

  11. Thank you for sharing your memories of Darya! She sounds like she was a real character!
    We like that in cats!
    Marvelous (and Mommy)

  12. Miss Darya is beautiful, and obviously much loved and missed. ♥

  13. Very difficult, I lost two old furry friends a year ago too.
