A note about The Cuddlywumps Chronicles

This blog is written and maintained by Miss Cuddlywumps, a fluffy-tailed calico cat who is both classically educated and familiar with mysteries. She receives creative input from the Real Cats and clerical assistance from She of Little Talent (old SoLT, a.k.a. Roby Sweet). Comments or complaints should be addressed to Miss C rather than to old SoLt (Ms. Sweet). Ms. Sweet accepts no responsibility for Miss C's opinions.

Thursday, August 3, 2017

Favorite Old Cat Books

Walter Chandoah's Book of Kittens and Cats, 1963 ed.
It may not look like much on the outside (and without
the dust jacket, which was lost years and years ago),
but inside are some wonderful cat photos.
We have put together a short post today, due to lack of time on old SoLT’s part (some of us prefer to call this “lack of planning,” but whatever). For a while now, old SoLT has been wanting to share a couple of cat books from her childhood. They are books she has had seemingly forever, and to call them well-worn is a kindness; they are far from falling apart, but they do show their years of being owned by a child who turned their pages over and over and over.

Walter Chandoah’s Book of Kittens and Cats

The first is Walter Chandoah’s Book of Kittens and Cats. This book has gone through several editions, the earliest published in 1963 by Bramhall House. This is the one old SoLT has. It doesn’t look like much, but it is double special to her because its first page is inscribed:
Presented to Sarah Marie Andrews on the occasion of her 6th birthday, December 22, 1974
Betty Van Zandt
She remembers being so honored to be presented with a book (and a grown-up book, no less!), and through the years she has read the inscription many, many times. Sadly, today she has no idea who Betty Van Zandt was.

Walter Chandoah (b. 1920) is a rather famous cat photographer, and this book is a collection of black and white photos of…kittens and cats. To old SoLT, they are iconic photos that are firmly etched in her memory. When she thinks of cats, often she still thinks of Chandoah’s photos. Used copies can be found on Amazon (this is not an affiliate link). You can follow Chandoah on Instagram.

The Cat Catalog: The Ultimate Cat Book

Cat Catalog: The Ultimate Cat Book
The Cat Catalog is so packed with interesting
information, it is hard to stop turning its pages.
The second book is The Cat Catalog: The Ultimate Cat Book, edited by Judy Fireman. Old SoLT does not know when she received this book, but it was published in 1976 by Workman, and she thinks she has had it since around that time. This book has fascinated her through the years because it contains page after page of stories and articles about everything cat. It is all so very interesting, from “The Historical Cat” to “The Medical Cat” and “The Legal Cat.” She still comes to it for blog post ideas (recognizing that some of its information may be out of date). Used copies are readily available: (Amazon buy link) Cat Catalog: The Ultimate Cat Book 

Those are old SoLT’s favorite old cat books. What about you? Do you have any treasured cat books from childhood (or adulthood—we’re not picky)? Please share in the comments!


  1. Those are great books. I wasn't into cats when I was a kid ( my loss). I have bought some at book sales even though I am an adult and one I like is a Little Golden Book, The Cat Who Climbed the Christmas Tree.

  2. I've never heard of either of those titles but what treasures they must be to you! In my great basement project I have loads of books from my childhood I still need to go through and I'm looking forward to what I might find :)

  3. Both books sound lovely and are a treasure to keep.

  4. I have lots of inscribed books in my library, most to someone else but unlike normal book collectors I feel it gives them a history and often a mystery.

  5. I didn't read books about cats when I was a child (I read about horses) but I'd love to read some of the older books now.

    We'd love to include you in our 2018 Cat Blogging Calendar. Please see details at https://cbcatcalendar.blogspot.com/. If you've already submitted your photos, please ignore this message.

  6. It is so wonderful to have old books like that. I think over the years as we've moved I lost track of mine, but I don't think I had any cat ones that I can remember.
