A note about The Cuddlywumps Chronicles

This blog is written and maintained by Miss Cuddlywumps, a fluffy-tailed calico cat who is both classically educated and familiar with mysteries. She receives creative input from the Real Cats and clerical assistance from She of Little Talent (old SoLT, a.k.a. Roby Sweet). Comments or complaints should be addressed to Miss C rather than to old SoLt (Ms. Sweet). Ms. Sweet accepts no responsibility for Miss C's opinions.

Saturday, June 3, 2017

Caturday Art: Cats Outlined in Light

Today we join Athena's Caturday Art blog hop with this picture of the Real Cats:

The Real Cats Outlined in Light

Don't even think of asking old SoLT how this happened; she could not re-create it if her life depended on it! This was a case of taking a bad photo and throwing everything including the kitchen sink at it. There was Photoshop, there was PicMonkey, and then Photoshop again. Here's the original photo:

Original--Paisley and Webster photo

Caturday Art blog hop badge


  1. We LOVE your solarized cats. It looks like the solarized filter in PS combined with who knows what? But it inspires us to keep some of our photos and be creative. We DO think it's a cute pic to start with...one kitty looking at something, the other kitty in silhouette behind. Nifty! (Does anyone say that anymore?)

  2. This is soooo cool guys! We're loving the art over here!

  3. That is our mom's favorite way to create art. Just keep throwing effects and filters together from various programs. We like this, especially the bokeh shapes. They give it lots of interest. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo and Cooper Murphy

  4. There are no bad pictures; there's only good art.

  5. She did a great job. I am impressed she edited it 3 times.

  6. Very cool - great job! I've done the same thing with photos, and unless I wrote it down as I went, could never remember exactly what I had done!

  7. Well it turned out really cool even if you can't remember how you did it.
