A note about The Cuddlywumps Chronicles

This blog is written and maintained by Miss Cuddlywumps, a fluffy-tailed calico cat who is both classically educated and familiar with mysteries. She receives creative input from the Real Cats and clerical assistance from She of Little Talent (old SoLT, a.k.a. Roby Sweet). Comments or complaints should be addressed to Miss C rather than to old SoLt (Ms. Sweet). Ms. Sweet accepts no responsibility for Miss C's opinions.

Saturday, March 11, 2017

Caturday Art: Webster Watching a Light Trail

For this week's Caturday Art, hosted by Athena and Marie, old SoLT did not have even a single idea, so she just picked a photo and started doing things to it. After a few false starts, she hit on a direction she liked, and we ended up with this:

We did this all in PicMonkey. First we applied a Posterize effect, then a Light Trails texture in Overlay mode, then a Water texture, followed by a Bokeh texture and a frame. We like how it looks like Webs is looking down at the light trails.

Here's the original:


  1. And any moment she is going to reach down and give that light trail a good swat :) Very cute ...

    Andrea @ From The Sol

  2. That is always my method when I start my "artification" process. I just try things and add or subtract as something begins to take shape. I do like your piece very much. I think picMonkey has some great effects. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo and Cooper Murphy

  3. We've thrown everything but the kitchen sink at things before too! It's fun, and your results are pawsome!

  4. Very creative, I love all the layered effects.

  5. That is very unique and original. Very interesting.

  6. That looks real COOL. Love the colors😎 Extra Pawkiss😘❤
