A note about The Cuddlywumps Chronicles

This blog is written and maintained by Miss Cuddlywumps, a fluffy-tailed calico cat who is both classically educated and familiar with mysteries. She receives creative input from the Real Cats and clerical assistance from She of Little Talent (old SoLT, a.k.a. Roby Sweet). Comments or complaints should be addressed to Miss C rather than to old SoLt (Ms. Sweet). Ms. Sweet accepts no responsibility for Miss C's opinions.

Saturday, October 1, 2016

Caturday Art: A Paisley Autumn

Today we are joining Athena's Caturday Art blog hop. A little taste of fall has finally arrived in our corner of Maryland, so we feel like we can finally do some autumn-themed art. (I tried to work a third "finally" into that last sentence, but I just couldn't do it. Let's just say it seems like we've been waiting for autumn weather for a very long time!)

This week, old SoLT started with a picture of Real Cat Paisley in a box. In Illustrator, she used a Brush Stroke filter with Accented Edges, and then she pasted in some leaf images from Adobe Stock. Then she went into PicMonkey, where she added a Lens Flare effect, followed by a Posterize effect, and finally a frame. She is rather pleased with the result:

Framed picture of cat peeking through autumn leaves

Here is the original photo:

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