
Friday, January 6, 2017

Words with Webster (Deflategate), Giveaway Winner, Plus Friendly Fill-Ins

It’s a busy day on the blog today! We have three items for you, so let’s jump right in with Webster’s word.

Words with Webster: Deflategate

Hey, everybody. Webster here. I really wasn’t going to have a word this week, but then an, um, incident happened Wednesday evening and Mommy said it was too good not to share. See, I was just trying to check out some neat stuff on top of Mommy’s desk, by way of the sofa and her balance-ball chair. She told me it probably wasn’t a good idea to do that, but I was feeling adventurous, and so onto the balance ball I went.

Have you ever tried to balance on one of those things? It is NOT easy.

A lot of things happened really fast then: I danced on top of the ball for 1.2 seconds, some stuff fell off the desk, I fell on the floor (landed on my feet!), Mommy laughed really hard (which I did not think was very nice). Everything seemed okay, but then this morning when Mommy went to work, she found this:

That crumpled green thing used to be a big ball you could sit on. Obviously it's not functioning anymore. And so my word for this week is “deflategate.” You may think this is just a football term, but for cats it applies to balance balls as well. Specifically, “deflategate” refers to all the grief that happens when your person discovers their chair is permanently deflated. It is A LOT of grief. If you want to mess up someone’s day, just destroy their office chair!

“Deflategate” can be a noun or an adjective. Here it is used in a sentence:

We had a whole big deflategate today because Mommy’s chair got broken.

I think you should all make sure you never have to use this word.

Giveaway winner!

Next, we are pleased to announce that Jamie R. has won the MCI print library. She will receive all four of our books, and we hope she enjoys them. Congratulations, Jamie, and thanks to all who entered!

Friendly Fill-Ins

And now it’s time for Friendly Fill-Ins, from 15andmeowing and McGuffy’s Reader. They are a fun way to learn a little bit about the authors of the blogs you read. All four questions are answered by old SoLT this week. The first two are from Ellen of 15andmeowing, and the next two are from Annie of McGuffy’s Reader.

1. I have seen Michael Jackson play in concert. It was in the ‘80s at RFK Stadium in Washington, DC. Sad to say, I really don’t remember anything about the concert.

2. I would like to attend any concert at the Black Rock Center near where we live. They have classical, jazz, bluegrass, and rock concerts in a small setting. I used to go to five or six concerts a season, but it just hasn’t been in the budget lately. Maybe next year!

3. In the dead of Winter, I try to keep my skin from flaking away completely. It is a hard battle.

4. The main ringer on my cell phone is The Pink Panther Theme.


  1. So in other words, you're telling me that if I don't want Bear Cat to steal my desk chair, I should use a balance ball? Subject to claws of course ;)

    1. The claws are a problem, but the cat scrabbling on top of the ball for that one second is priceless!

  2. We think your Mom is laughing out of the other side of her mouth today. In other words, what was funny yesterday is not today!

  3. Cat meets chair usually does not end well. Have a great week.

  4. The dry skin of winter has to be one of the worst things about it. I love the cooler temps, but not the dry skin. I can't use lotion because allergies have me rubbing my eyes all the time. Lotion meeting eyeball would not be good. :)

    I'm sorry about the chair dying. How does one sit on those balls without falling into the floor? I'd be forever picking myself up from the floor.

    Have a blessed weekend!

  5. Oh my, your nails did that much damage??? I think your cell phone ringer is so cool!!!

  6. I know all about deflategate being from Mass. where the Patriots play. I like your use of it better though :) Thank you for participating in the fill-ins, great answers. The Pink Panther theme sounds like a good theme. Have a great weekend!

  7. Humidifier for the dry has made a difference at our house.

  8. I never thought of using a balance ball for a desk chair...or any chair. Is there a reason for using it as a desk chair...other than to watch a cat try and sit on it.

    1. It's called "active seating," where you use some muscles to keep yourself upright instead of just slouching in a chair. Also, it's fun to bounce on when work gets boring, tedious, stressful, or whatever!

  9. Cool ringer! It is fun to see what others use as ringers. Technology can be fun...when it isn't a pain!
    I feel for you, with Winter skin. *augh* Itchy and uncomfortable!
    Thanks for playing with us! Hugs.
