
Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Miss Cuddlywumps Considers Plato and the Souls of Dogs

A dog has the soul of a philosopher.

At first glance, this quote from Plato seems, well, wrong. Surely creatures that intentionally eat rabbit poo and roll in stinky, decaying animal remains could not be philosophers. (Let me say here that I, Miss Cuddlywumps, am not anti-dog. I am anti-poo and anti-stink.) But She of Little Talent enjoys dogs and assures me that dogs are not all poo and stink. Some of them are even as intelligent as I am, or so she says. We’ll just let her be wrong about that. Add it to the long and growing list of things She of Little Talent is wrong about.

But, to keep old SoLT happy, let’s give dogs the benefit of the doubt. Let’s assume that when they eat rabbit poo and roll in decaying remains, dogs are actually inquiring into the nature of poo and decay. That is philosophical, sort of. So perhaps Plato was right: a dog does have the soul of a philosopher.

A cat, though, has the soul of true wisdom.

Plus we don’t eat poo.


Friday, October 11, 2013

What Does a Classically Educated Cat Do When the Going Gets Tough?

Miss C's motto

Having an unpleasant day? Listen to Miss Cuddlywumps: It could be worse. You could be Prometheus, chained to a pillar while an eagle eats your liver. You could be Sisyphus, doomed to spend eternity rolling a boulder up a hill, only to have it roll back down as soon as you reach the top. You could be Cassandra, cursed to make accurate prophecies, only to have no one believe you.
If that is a bit too depressing for you, imagine yourself as a god or goddess, or perhaps a hero: Poseidon, Athena, or Hercules. You are mighty!
And, if your day is so unpleasant that not even Greek mythology can make it better: Pet the cat.

Thursday, October 10, 2013

How Do You Say “Cat” in Ancient Greek?

Admit it, this is a burning question in your mind because you are dying to speak Greek to your cat. Luckily, you have me, Miss Cuddlywumps, to inform and inspire you.

Ailouros on the Greek island of Santorini.
(Photo credit: Sander Hoogendoorn via Flickr)
The ancient Greek word for “cat” is ailouros, which sounds so much more sophisticated than “cat.” Ailouros has a certain beauty, a captivating allure. I, too, am beautiful and alluring, so I am trying to convince She of Little Talent to refer to me as an ailouros. So far she has not caught on. Too many syllables, perhaps. “Hey, cat” may be all she can handle. You see how I must suffer. [Sigh.]

And in case you are still wondering what the point is, in case you are still thinking that ancient Greek is just a waste of time, I will tell you this: If you are reading this because you enjoy cats, you are an ailurophile, a lover of cats. That is a modern English word taken from the Greek.

 You and your cat: ailurophile and ailouros. Purrrr...